
While developing, look at user_input object that returns all of your parameters. If you made a mistake or some characters were not correctly parsed because of the URL encoding, you will see that.

        "q": "Elon Musk",
        "search_in": [
        "sources": null,
        "not_sources": null,
        "lang": [
        "not_lang": null,
        "countries": null,
        "not_countries": null,
        "from_": "2023-05-31T00:00:00",
        "to_": null,
        "published_date_precision": null,
        "by_parse_date": false,
        "sort_by": "relevancy",
        "ranked_only": null,
        "from_rank": null,
        "to_rank": null,
        "is_headline": null,
        "parent_url": null,
        "all_links": null,
        "all_domain_links": null,
        "word_count_min": null,
        "word_count_max": null,
        "page": 1,
        "page_size": 1,
        "include_domain_info": null,
        "include_nlp_data": null,
        "has_nlp": true,
        "theme": null,
        "ner_name": null,
        "title_sentiment_min": null,
        "title_sentiment_max": null,
        "content_sentiment_min": null,
        "content_sentiment_max": null

language format

You should use ISO 639-1 — 2 letter code.

For example, English - en

Important: We distinguish Chinese (China) and Chinese (Taiwan) languages, cn and tw accordingly. That is the only difference between us and ISO 639-1 code.

The list of languages we support:


countries format

You should use ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code.

For example, France - FR

You can find the entire list on the ISO standards website

Last updated